Last year was the worst year for criminal slaughter since the foundation of the Irish Republic. Isn't it time to disband the Republic?
1971 Collapsed barrier kills 66 Glasgow Rangers football supporters at Ibrox Park
The fear of sitting down is called 'kathisophobia'.
(Don't) Meet the Rabbit family:
Five prisoners given temporary release over the Christmas period have failed to return to jail on time.10:12
Nothing embodies the class divisions of the Republic of Ireland more than the national radio and television 'people's channel', Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE). Their A-list civil servants of chat are all still on holidays while the rest of us are expected to get back to work. Cheap second-stringers make busy selling advertisements on the Irish people's national electromagnetic spectrum for new cars, better bowel movements and cheap holidays.
The state body responsible for promoting tourism in Dublin has reported a bumper year for the capital's tourism industry. Dublin Tourism said overall trade rose by 5% last year, while revenues generated by visitors to the city increased by 7%. A spokesman said shootings were up 50% while drugs profits grew another 1000% throughout last year (less white boys to divvy up with).
More state-sponsored history lessons for the grateful folk, with the guy who wrote a book about the Original One they sent to the kids in school. "Bunreacht na h-Eireann, the Irish constitution of '37, was written by the Pope through his minion here in Ireland, De Valera. It's served the people of this country extremely well."
"Clearly, the document takes into account Devalera's sentiments."
"Irish is enshrined as the first official language, that's clear. But there's no point in using it because nobody understands it."
"Bean (Mrs.) De Valera raised his children and a good biography is overdue. It's clear he didn't consult women in advance of publishing the constitution but Bean Dev pulled him out once in a while, so might have had sway."
"It would be very imprudent to start to rewrite the constitution. My mother typed the constitution in the 30s while working as a secretary in the Department of Repression as it was known then, or Department of Justice we know it now."
Start as you mean to go on:
A 25-year-old man is due to appear before Dublin District Court today charged in connection with the killing of another man on New Year's Day.12:21
"Health Service Executive plan to tackle A&E crisis roundly criticised."
The plan is, ban the patients from the hospitals, thereby alleviating overcrowding. Apart from that there's no real plan.
Saddam is a martyr. Crooked. It's (un)official. Never was such an outcome ever so bound to happen to one fella.
I give up. The invading regime is deploring it's own characteristic tactics. It also condemns the leaking of a hangman video on the internet, whereby the circumstances in which the noose was tied and trap door swung are not deplored themselves, but rather their depiction in a public forum lending mordant visibility to dark cruelty.
Almost 90,000 Polish nationals were issued with PPS numbers during the year, followed by almost 15,000 Lithuanians, 10,000 Slovakians and more than 7,000 Latvians.14:27
"National government is not doing anything to meet the carbon dioxide commitment under Kyoto."
- OK Gerry, thanks for joining us. We'll be back with more after this break.
ADIO: Buy cars. Go on holidays. Buy a house.
They had a curtain to bring down on Saddam during court, as well as muting his microphone. Hear no evil. See no evil. A trial is not about justice, it's about being the winner. Saddam is a loser. Call Axa for insurance. You could win a Volkswagen Polo.
Toll charges up again by 10% on Bottleneck Bridge.
They taunted Saddam who was going to the gallows. Obscene videos.
Add to list of phrases to ban: "Punching above our weight."
Dogs fight:
A 28 year old man was found with a gunshot wound to his head in a house at Oriel Street Upper.
From the FUBAR worksheet:
The government released video showing the hangman chatting to a composed Saddam as he placed the noose round his neck. But mobile phone footage on the Web showed guards shouting "Go to hell!," chanting the name of a Shi'ite militia leader and exchanging insults with Saddam before he fell through the trap in mid-prayer and his body swung, broken-necked, on the rope. [Reuters]
Due to his inability to do anything else, because his mouth was the only thing no longer manacled, Sadman Who's Sane was still saying prayers when he dropped through the trap door. Allah be good to me. Allah you're sound. Despite the inevitability, for a fraction of a second, he still looked slightly surprised when his feet gave out from under him and he began to descend through the trap on the ride of his life. Following the drop, he looks out defiantly through hooded bulging eyelids at the men who would mock him with their mobile phones. A length of severed neckbone protrudes unnaturally from his black coat.
Even as he goes blind in death he can still hear their jeers. This is the bit they didn't want you to see. Thank Deity for the pocket camera that brought it home here tonight. Thank Physics. The truthful stupendous cruelty of life. Nothing to feel. Nothing to sense. As he ebbs away, his hearing goes. There is no light.
[Liveleak search tags: saddam body hanging phone].
The Dubs moved in next door, whistling with the last of the xmo parties. Time for a beer, then bed.