The drunken loon propels his liberated shopping cart aimlessly along the idle tram track, howling upon the weekday moon. His early twenties. Covered in builder's dirt. Invulnerable warrior of the night, shaven head fizzing with discounted cider.
Ramming the foundling into a lamp post with a meshing sound he exhorts his friend: 'Ayi yeeargh eee ya rrg ff-F-FUUUCK!' Decompressing a can of Olde English, his cohort yodels in response: 'Aye-yey i-ye-fFUUUCKeear yi!'
They lurch along, one sitting into their ad hoc tram and the other pushing him on a collision course towards my overall direction. If I had an iron bar, I'd smash them to pieces with it. If I had a lump of steel, I'd grind them for idiots.
I cross to avoid.
Durn gave me the dump, she did. Who can blame her? Is it wrong to suggest, 'be reasonable'? None of it's working if you think some of it is not working.
Least I won't have to buy her drinks any more and watch as she turns her back to go on a meaningless excursion without me, depriving me of meaning myself. Two lovers are selfish with themselves towards each other.
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Potemkin on the Ritz, 1905 |
1905 Russian sailors mutiny against oppressive officers and for end to Russo-Japanese war aboard Battleship Potemkin, precursor to Russian revolution 1917
Tearing at the Lie-atollahs funeral shroud on the official state homepage of RTE:
Charles J. Haughey (1925-2006)
Click here to listen to a special radio programmer (sic) on Charles J. Haughey >>
"I have done the State some service, and they know it, no more of that."
- Charlie Haughey quoting from 'Othello' in his resignation speech to the Dail in 1992
God, he was a gas man:
During this time he embarked on what he called the "rubber chicken circuit", building up invaluable contacts with party members at grass root level in practically every constituency.
And in the twilight, during the boom property-bubble economy he legendarily decreed, he pulls off the cool 45 million and does the state coffers some service for once in his life:
In 2003, Haughey sold Abbeville, his estate in Kinsealy in north Dublin, for a reported €45 million. In the same year, he agreed to pay €5 million to the Revenue Commissioners to settle his outstanding tax liabilities.
RTE Obit (Link deprecated)
Tearing at the Lie-atollahs funeral shroud on the official state homepage of RTE:
Charles J. Haughey (1925-2006)
Click here to listen to a special radio programmer (sic) on Charles J. Haughey >>
"I have done the State some service, and they know it, no more of that."
- Charlie Haughey quoting from 'Othello' in his resignation speech to the Dail in 1992
God, he was a gas man:
During this time he embarked on what he called the "rubber chicken circuit", building up invaluable contacts with party members at grass root level in practically every constituency.
And in the twilight, during the boom property-bubble economy he legendarily decreed, he pulls off the cool 45 million and does the state coffers some service for once in his life:
In 2003, Haughey sold Abbeville, his estate in Kinsealy in north Dublin, for a reported €45 million. In the same year, he agreed to pay €5 million to the Revenue Commissioners to settle his outstanding tax liabilities.
RTE Obit (Link deprecated)