1959 Castro's rag-tag rebel army drives out Cuban dictator Batista
When declaring independence for Vietnam in 1945, Ho Chi Minh quoted from the 1776 American Declaration of Independence in his speech.
Time to quit smoking and start running. End of a resolution start of a revolution. Time to eat less trans-fats and more greens. Stop farting so much and continue the quest for greater personal hygiene. Build an economy more boomer and make more whoopee.
Half of all those killed [last year] were under 30. One third of them were in their 20s, and more than 70% were men.23:40
Always look on the bright side of life. From terrorist to Taoiseach is just a few steps across the parliament floor. Plunder life but leave something for someone else. A tithe. A ten percent. It begins with early nights, means getting up before the erupting diesels of the dawn on a daily basis. What it's all about is gathering momentum and holding on to it as it drags you forward. Until you get so far down the road with it you forget this wasn't your life until you chose it. You believe you were chosen by it, your internal destiny and you are it's soldier.
Happy New Year!
Mr Clancy stabbed Sgt Liston in the stomach with one of the knives before taking his own life a short time later.
The happy folk are not fearful for the year ahead. Credit is good. Life is cheap. The city's overpopulated anyway with thugs either overdosed or on withdrawal. The collateral loss is at "acceptable levels". However, such smug self satisfaction I find oppressive. I'm afraid it's not good enough for this Very Ordinary Gentleman.
Aaargh! They might think of giving it a rest for just one night. It's the holidays. Whooping their sirens in despairing urgency. They whirdle around in their cop cars, all commotion, for they failed to prevent another crime. It's just a game of cat and mouse to them. Cats come, slaughter the mice and policemen in cleaner's uniforms come in to disinfect the scene, drawing ten more litres of cleaning fluid to gather up the guts and brain and blood in a bucket with.
It's the incessant sirens. This civic society is gone to pot. This drug problem, this cash problem, this gang problem is starting to crimp. To impinge.