
Friday 26 May: Ate turnips' stalks prostitutes

1970 John and Yoko begin "bed-in" for world peace in Montreal hotel
Meanwhile mobile phones buzz like chainsaws. Heels click like hammers. Trams trundle. It's a grey day in this dire city.
I'm not sure if green and white hooped jerseys go well with the red hair and pale blue freckled skin of the classic Celtic FC fan.
Annoyed. Said so last night. I'm in this up to my connubials and her taking-me-for-granted vibe is not a nice feeling. Got a bit heated and bleated that she needs to marry a millionaire airline pilot to make her happy. I can't offer her the jet-pack lifestyle, as I don't have the readies. I'm just a farmer's son's son, in the Big Smoke city now. Ate turnips' stalks prostitutes and left.
Fudged it when I told her I don't believe in random acts of travel per se. It does environmental damage, which is selfish and personally speaking I find often it's often just an idle distraction. Keep traipsing willy-nilly, why you know, pretty soon it's common knowledge there'll be nothing left of the world if'n we all up and go to see it. Besides that, I got some leftover postmodern angst about the tourist gaze and all that. She didn't study philosophy in college so she doesn't suffer from angst. 
I even tried to tell her the awful truth, which is, I miss her when she's gone but she scoffs at me gently and snuggles me up with emotion. There the conversation ends.
Trucks broken down, bags of rubbish building up, court cases for sex offenders blown out on a technicality while the putative offenders sue the State. Supermarkets selling major daggers for next to nothing, scaring the life out of little old ladies on the radio and the sun is shining but the wind would skin you.
No windows down there:The personal computer of the judge who is facing possible impeachment over child pornography allegations is now being stored in a safe vault in Leinster House, after being handed over by gardai.
Roads aren’t that expensive and tolls are electoral:
The road runs from north of Ashbourne to the Finglas interchange on the M50 in Dublin and cost €213m to construct. The Government initially planned to introduce a toll on the motorway, but this was unexpectedly scrapped after last year’s Meath by-election.
Out of his class of 26 in West Dublin, 21 are now dead from murder, suicide, car crashes.