
Tuesday 25 July: Wha's dah smell?

From the unsuspecting heart.
1965 Folkie booing controversy as acoustic icon Bob Dylan 'goes electric' at Newport Folk Festival

Weauoooiiieee eawe wooo aWeauoooiiieee eawe wooo aWeauoooiiieee eawe wooo aWeauoooiiieee eawe wooo aWeauoooiiieee eawe wooo.
Tugga tugga tugga tugga tugga tugga tugga bink bink tugga tugga tugga tugga ka ka bink reee eap reee eap.
Six year old girl walking outside: Ma! Ma! what's that smell?
Ma replies: Shoite
Six year old girl: Wha's dah smell?
Ma: Shoite!
Splukka dukka gukka tukka splukka splukka twing twing
Stuck-up teach complaining about kids googling 'anal sex' while her back is turned in school. Oh to be back in the low chair again! I'd google "thick fucking eejit sex" and see what teachers came back in the search results. "In Ireland as well! The teachers are bullied! No discipline in the kids. Unprofessional conduct by teenagers! Give us more money!"
They're all crap. With their sports reports read by women. Who are they codding?
Wintery gales threatened as the papers shuffle across the microphone.
CALLER: She wasn't allowed make her confirmation. In this day and age it shouldn't be allowed.
Five anti-war protesters cleared of criminal damage of US plane at Shannon AFB. Someone hit the Yankmobile with a hammer as the pilot was in Duty Free stocking up on duty-free bullets and bombs. Will the US be cleared of criminal damage of Iraq in turn, I wonder?
Reinggggg dkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkkka
Swukakakakakak kakakakakakakakakakakakakakka twukka whukka twack
It doesn't stop, all day.
At least the peelers in plastic yellow jackets and whoo wooo cars knock it off after lunch, business done for another day. The gulls take up their wheeling noises cometh the eve.
National Museum announces 'significant' discovery of ancient Irish manuscript in south Midlands bog. It will be brought to Dublin forthwith and kept in an old overcrowded poorly lit, badly air-conditioned museum and the Irish people will pay eight euro park and go see it and another two euro fifty for a scone. Capucchinos cost two euro eighty. Bottled water (250ml), 2 euro.