Once upon a time there was
Irish ways and Irish laws
Villages of Irish blood
Waking to the morning.
Waking to the morning.
So what's the solution, Mr. Comrade?
- The respect for the law is gone. The only way to go get it back is to implement it and be seen to be implementing it. I call on all members of parliament to assemble before the House of Parliament in Dublin to witness the coalition government commit hari kiri. Hopefully the scumbags will follow suit.
1746 Scotland's Bonny Prince Charlie defeated at Battle of Culloden in last pitched battle fought on British soil, so ending Jacobean revolution
Sheets in the breeze
The scissors were invented by Leonardo da Vinci.
One day a child's balls will drop and he'll wake up to a world of birth control. Hang on a second, who's going to decide where the control begins and ends? I have a couple of suggestions, at least.
The binge drinkers of Europe - five more drinks 34% of the time. Them stupid fucking Eurocrats don't even know how to count. Annual spend of six billion. None of this is new. Fourteen litres per adult person. The kids are extra. One in four deaths due to alcohol. One in four pedestrians killed. 88% of public order offenses are alcohol related. Married. Breakdown. One in three divorce 'cos they can't stand their partner's drink problem. Wine half price. Beer on special. The Ministry for Health fired her alcohol adviser as the drinks industry provides expertise to her office free of charge. Near zero public health services - five alcohol counselors for the entire inebriated population of close to five million.
In the recent colour photos of an executed son, the youthful China man has features that start to recede. In the capital of execution, it's almost certain that the State shot him in the head and harvested his organs.
If people got an electric shock every time they didn't reply to their voicemail the whole world would run smootherly.
I got the receptionist to send an email and that seemed to work. All I have to do is wait eternally and I'll get paid eventually.
If we keep our economy strong and keep our financial policies we can factor into our figures of 6% per year better than biscuits and working well. Inflation is only 5%. We'll repay the debt the Family worked up in the 80s to buy shirts for the Gaucho Haughey and remortgage the country to build one new hospital, that you can't get into. Any allegations of corruption will be covered up, obviously, it's nonsense. Incompetence is not an option. Going forward. Benefit. Policies. Spending. Sustainable. Tax burden. Reforms.
State solicitors gone on strike. Costs and expenses. Who are they? What do they do? Broken promises, they say, fuck them if the nurses must suffer so should the solicitors.
Infamous kiddy-fiddler living beside the junior school in sunny Fizzboro. Priest. O'Grady. Parents worried because he was shopping for pressies for kids when he was rumbled.
The Bedraggled Proprete de Dublin Man comes down the road pushing the brush in front of him like a lion's roar. He's attacking the bushels of crap and tumbles of dust like he is trying to bat down the beavers at a fairground. It's getting away on him. The brushhead is wide and brown and it's fixed to his long handle by a metal brace. It's an ultimate yardbrush and he's flicking it over on its back and its front, tossing crap left and right.
I keep thinking they should give him a van, not a wheelbarrow. The barrow isn't big enough to take up the daily tide.
School shooting kills 22 in the USA. They love their guns more than their kids. Our Great Leader denies this ridiculous story of going along to football games with a suitcase full of cash. There is no truth to the story. It was an anorak.
Engineering freak out. There's a surprise. Did his dad make him do applied maths on sunny April afternoons?
iShot generation:
Student Matt Waldron said he did not hear the gunshots because he was listening to music, but he heard police sirens and saw officers hiding behind trees with their guns drawn.18:07
Fianna Build chose guess where. Guess? The newly restored tacky Shebourne Hotel to launch their plans for spending citizen's money making rich buddies richer. Call the cutbacks prudence. Call the tax breaks for richies incentives. Fill them full of fear and be point blank in your refusals - that would be interfering in the market.
BIFFO: We delivered on our broken promises. You just don't understand. This is macro economics. We over performed. Means we haven't a clue where the money is coming from but we don't mind bragging about it.
Gun upmanship. An analyst wonders if there isn't competition between shooters.
Social cold front. Something bad happens. Bush <blank>. Bush <blank>. Bush horrified. He'll invade the university and change the regime. Body count is up to 32 right now. Where there's 32, there's more.
In Communist society, the present dominates the past.