1989 Soccer stadium rowd crush kills 93 Liverpool football fans at Hillsborough
They have a hard neck. The FF election HQ is in Treasury Buildings. Biggest property developers in a property developer's country. Head Office to the property boom.
The Titanic was running at 22 knots when she struck the iceberg.
Nineteen dead on a bomb in Baghdad. Discrepancies in the Tayshops account of where his surge of finance originated. Drugs and scumbags siezed in police raids in Dublin. Another day on the line.
Vincenzo axed The Don about his bags in a press con today. The Don is on the radio now trying not to answer questions about his redecorations.
DON: The opposition are trying to say we're poor. Ah sure that's ridiculous.
VINCENZO: He promised no stamp duty cuts in December. Now he's giving the stamp duty cuts for the election.
DON: We're helping all home owners to pay for their houses and redecorations and stamp duty to increase the ceiling of their master bedrooms. I have two plastic bags full of dosh that I've been keeping. It's sterling now, not euro, so it's worth a few quid.
The Deputy Fianna Farmer says its very simple. The opposition are shitehawks. Say's they're dishonest and don't listen to them.
VZ: So where'd you get the money?
DON: I can't remember.
DON: It's not my money. It's my moll's money.
VZ: It ain't credible to spend 50k on a rented house that's new. (To DON's CAPO who is gesticulating wildly.) Hey PJ you won't stop me from saying this now as you'll remember we were stopped when we went asking Charlie and look what happened.
VZ: It's not credible.
DON: Is it illegal to me to allocate within my own accounts to do something [he didn't have an account at this time]. Are you questioning that I should not be allowed to spend me money?
- Fianna Fail hacks applaud.
Global casino. Rates of pay tumble while inflation pumps.
Kids as young as six involved in crime in Limerick. They're going to chip them. And who's going to look at the screen? It's not my job.
O Christ more cancer talk. Would they all just fuck off and die? Quietly. Without ringing in to a radio show.
- Well, (flip).
CALLER (catering-company informant): A bog oak needle. Six thousand years old. The Fianna Fáilers took it to treasury buildings yesterday and danced around it. No I've never seen a 6000 year old bog oak needle. But they have - all the well known flatcaps were at the event.
Minor politician attracting heat from atextual menopausal women complaining about his joke he made about menopausal Ministers for Bluffstice. "It's a very serious condition, you know!" Eh, that was predictable.
The Head Man Hitman strikes again. It's cocaine and bullets time for you, my dirty Dublin geezer.
Gawjus weather. Bertie was making hand gestures to Vincenzo at the campaign launch press conference meaning "Sit down and shut your gob, will ya? Siiiit Doooooooooown!" The 30k he says given to his moll was not his money. The rest is up to you to make up your own mind.
- Sorry. Not enough information to decide. Will default to a negative position.
Electronic voters elect a t-chip.
The dirty dumbags of Dublin are mute. United going down 3 0 to MIL and KAKA.
Gruff. Too much, the disco dog. Dicky, Marty and the other stripes suits are not allowed flash their cuffs on telly as market research proves they are dicks. Biffo is a prick!
O Brother What Happened ta You? Pieces of Dubs turn up all over the city. Iron bars, bullets and shivs in an all-but-declared civil war in the city, brother on brother and lover on lover.
Bertie's dirty. His name is mortar. Mucking around in plastic bags looking for hairspray and 30k.
No tears from Bertie this time. Why not? No fears?
Tap tap, pub hitman rides in the back of a Garda Car. They retail hitmen wholesale in certain parts of Dirty Dublin. Alls you need is a cocaine addict and a bullet or two.
Mr Griffin was shot dead in the Horse and Jockey Bar in Inchicore on 5 April.