Early Morning
April Fourth
Shot Rings Out
In the Finglas sky
Free At Last
They took your life
They fed you Baker's Pride!
In the name of drugs/
What More in the Name of Drugs?
1968 Civil rights leader Martin Luther King shot dead in Memphis motel by sniper
One cannot taste food unless it is mixed with saliva.
We'll go to a break.
Dead air....
A few ol' promises.
Enough is enough, she says.
"A lot done, but not enough." Three billion underspend on the budget for the region.
The solution to Ireland's excessive oil-consumption dependency problems is to build methane gas fired waste-energy plants over the numerous illegal super-dump sites, Comrades.
NEW POLICE OMBUDSMAN: A Garda says, if there's a "bollox" (bad egg) out there, you have to get him.
CALLER (glowing): You're the most powerful man in the country Joe.
JOERADIO (blushing): Eh, d-d-d-dont believe that.
If a young activist, as a political protest released thirty stink bombs at a political press-call in Dublin, would anybody notice the smell?
KIDS IN BALLYSLUM (teasing a fellow pupil): Your da didn't fall down the stairs. Your da was shotinda heaad!
Dublin man shot dead in pub.
Cups of tea dearer than the flight on Moanair.
Just found an old picture of my ex which I'd been keeping kept away. Rolled it up between my finger and thumb. Pitched it on the floor amidst the rest of the debris. I'll fucking hoover it up later. Psycho batshiat crazy bitch. What was her fucking name anyway?
The Gardai investigating the bomb attack which was the single worst act of terrorism in the history of the Free State had a bonfire with the evidence one day. Also, files went missing. As so frequently happens when officials have questions to answer, the files go AWOL.
VICTIMS RELATIVE: They must think we're stupid.
The UK pin stripes from the governmento-financio axis central office is asked what's with the run on the british bank? It's the first in a hundred years. He said he believes it's an example of crowd behaviour. By definition.
Northern Rock.
- Finally the chappy said the Globvernment would gaurantee the deposits. Biffo has since been on saying yes things need to improve but put your fucking heads down and get back to fucking work.
- I feel a slump coming on.A slump in confidence. Which is thte defninition of a financial crisis.
Sometimes, I look down and think all the people who walk the street are crazy. I might be right.
If you're looking for all the scumbags in Dublin you'll find them watching United in Champs League right now.
Former Sinn Fein official Denis Donaldson, who had admitted being a British agent for more than 20 years, has been shot dead ...22:18
They had him in the paper. The MI5-written "Rag of the World". Photos of him disheveled, outside his house located in Donegal, frightened, caught. Two weeks later he lay there, dead. Informants don't do open coffins, don't forget. Has all the brutal hallmarks of a hardware merchant's festive ball, I don't doubt.
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Theatrice Bailey, brother of the motel owner, attempts to clean blood (while putting some in a jar) from the balcony where Martin Luther King was assassinated. April 4, 1968. |