
Monday 1 April: You must be very smart to have such an enormous head, said the compliment

Q: How many Marxists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, the bulb contains within it the seeds of its own revolution.

Time for votes. First off, the man and Friend of the Family who tried to reopen his pub on the site of the Starburst disaster which pub burned down Valentine's Day 1981, immolating 48 young people, shall be served with resignation papers from his licence to trade as a publican immediately. Also, his MaFFia membership shall be resigned. I know, it's too late to save those people now and he'll probably do no time in jail for chaining shut the emergency exits but we have to start to put the world right somewhere.
Some of the victim's families have learned to read now and the've all seen what's going on. They're uppity, like us - they require nothing less than natural justice. Show of hands? Motion carried.
I'll notify the Countess who shall begin the paperwork which Dekko will serve and henceforth this menace to society shall cease and desist acting as a vintner or from all interactions with the public, activities, profits or notions thereof.
Note: We'll call it the 'Re-pub-(li)-ban' in the League newspaper and website banner.

en avril, ne te decouvre pas d'un fil
en mai, fais ce qu'il te plait

[In April, don't remove a feather
In May, you can do what ever]

1966 DIED:  Flann O'Brien AKA Brian O'Nolan, AKA, Myles Na gCopaleen, Irish writer, At-Swim-Two-Birds
Giant green rebel hats? 

- Check.
Wax covered? 

- Che-, er, normally issued by central revolutionary command quartermaster general but I'll check.
You must be very smart to have such an enormous head, said the compliment.

In order, the 5 nations with the most camels are Sudan (3.2m), Mauritania (1.3m), India(0.9m), Kenya (0.83m), Pakistan (0.8m).

Let's talk about adh.something.
Pat sighs and grows weary of talking about the bottomless pit of arcane distress of dealings with the Health Service Executive. Nurses on strike. Unhappy, unhealthy. My ears accommodate the exasperation and droop also. Health Service Executive me hole. It's the Holy Shit Executive. Forget it. Just forget the whole fucking thing.
Liberty in Tibet. Global warming. The US presidential election. Pat's not going to solve anything today. Or, I have come to believe, in my growing sense of disillusion, any day. What we have here is a talking shop. A one way talk. A talking booth. A talk dispenser.
The land of the rising sons:

O'Neill's 800 Fenian soldiers called themselves the "Irish Republican Army", and some wore uniforms with "IRA" buttons. This is considered to be the first use of the term. (A well-known fanciful painting of the skirmish in the National Archives of Canada depicts a green flag with the letters IRA over a gold harp; in fact, the most common Fenian emblem at this time was a sunburst.) 
The 30k in the bag given to the blonde was a stamp duty issue, according to the Don. Si, si, si. And it's ok because it was used to do up the house. So it's not any of your fucking business. The tribunal! You're feeling sleepy. I'm great.
JOERADIO: What's your view on providing specialised "ABA education" to autistic children free of charge, John?
JOHN: It's a no-brainer.
In the Republic of I-land we'll vote to ration petrol. Then we'll set up a website so everyone can tweet everyone else and share their journeys from one end of the parish to the other.
- Yip. It's a commune, by the way. "Parish" is not coo- not revolutionary. We need to get away from that church-denominated way of looking at the lands around us. If we use the word “parish” the district belongs to the church, not to the community.
- Yes, nobody has to miss out or run short. Better communications, some good will and barter, we'll be better in order to conserve resources and make ourselves more viable by slow burn.
Instead of dead by fast burn?
- Precis. Then, the money we save on fossil fuels we can use to develop a nuclear capability.
For civilian purposes?
- Precis. We'll locate it in the Ballinafeck superdump and we will be self-sufficient, energetically speaking speaking. The whole project could take years but we have the right to do it if we decide it's the thing to do.
We'll all be dead of cancer before then, the stink of that place.
- I'll download the plans anyhow.
Now that's what I call revolutionary zeal:

"By God," he says, "your dreams will be defeated by our blood and by our bodies. What is coming is even worse."
My heavenly neighbours got evicted after last night.
April fools. Ahern the Minister for Finance without a bank account with a safe full of cash but in need of a "dig out" sent his mot down to pick up a a bag full of 30k sterling in banknotes for to redecorate the house and pay the stamp duty for his LANDLORD. Mr Wall. It doesn't make any fucking sense. See?
Bertie is more funny than the rest. More brighter too. In the same way that the King of Spain made lisping fashionable Bertie has made the TH a ting of de past for tee-shee.
Hello, Casa Drumcondragliona?
- Oh hello. Could I speak to Mr. Wall?
- Are there any Walls in that house?
Foook awwwufffffff ya bleedin' chancer!
Alive, alive-o:

A 28-year-old woman has appeared in court charged with running and managing a brothel on Bachelors Walk in Dublin.
I'm walking around in me bleedin' blue tracksuits wid a white stripes and Dubs are talkin' to me. Y'know. Bleedin' warim, isn't it? Warm alright I say. I still sound like a bleedin' culchie but.