1942 BORN: Arethra Franklin, American singer, the Queen of Soul, Respect (1967)
The best way to escape a chasing bear is to run downhill. The bear's centre of gravity makes it difficult for them to run downhill.
Don't do anything of face book that you don't want to end u p on youtube.
CALLER: Attended the Garda reserve graduation ceremony. Kept us waiting all day. Didn't give us even a cup of tea. Had to buy we own hang sangwich wrapped in cling film. We're volunteers!
Are you making this up?
- It is unbelievable.
CALLER: My father-in-law legged it out of Accident and Emergency in a taxi. The nurses went looking for him. The Gardai were looking for him. He was a soldier in the Congo in the 60s. He raised eight of us. I'm self employed, never asked anything from the Free State. They eventually caught him and he spent five days in A and E. He died in a caravan below in Kilkee. The way people are treated in this country is revolting.
JOE: Same government. 10 years. Nobody doubts their sincerity. They don't have the power to affect change. They've no control over the hospitals. Y'know?
Polish dude begging for money with ten grand in his rucksack. Bleedin' Poles. Coming over here, taking our begging. Arrested and sent to jail for 14 days. Probably delighted to be accommodated for the duration. It's hard core competition. The destitute Irish have gone soft.