A woman speaks loudly into a microphone, projecting from her punani:
"Sin an sport. Eeha wa."
2005 DIED: Hunter S. Thompson, American author, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

There are more people living in Bangladesh (144.3m) than in Russia (143.4m), a country 118 times its size.
Total eclipse of the tax. Pat is grilling some Yank about tax-back in the States, and why does billionaire Dinny O'Brady have so much damn money anyway? Personally, I think his whole pumping of millions into the Irish national soccer team thing is fine. I mean, it's not like he has ownership in any radio or TV or newspaper stations which would sell like mad during, say, a World Cup bonanza. Is it?
PAT PARENT: You are what you eat, especially when you're pregnant.
AUTHORESS: I mention I have a daughter to seem like a proper person and to disguise that I'm flirting with you on the radio. I guffaw in response to your remarks. I'm naturally flirty anyway so that's why it sounds like I'm going to pull down your fly, Pat, during the commercial break. I'm from Britain, so you never know?
PAT POUTY: I'll be more expressive than usual to flirt back and see if you laugh. I know lots about digestion, you know. I've heard of folic acid, you see. I wouldn't have the balls, really.
AUTHORESS: Oily fish.
PAT PREARRANGE: Are you working as a doctor still? What time do you get off?
BRIT AUTHORESS: I am indeed. Thirty hours a week.
PRIAPIC PAT: I wish you were around my corner. Can I have your number?
AUTHORESS: Aha, aha. Bless you. Fuck off.
ADIO: Buy stuff. Eat this. Go here.
I'm going to Sing like a Canadian11:51
And that way I'll appeal to you
I'll mention Bob Dylan
I'll be called Neil Young one day too
PAT-POD: I'm a great fan of Loudon Wainwright. My whole family is.
Pregnant silence. Sound of page corner being lifted. Pause. Left down again. A ten second limbo. Finally, the news anchor says: "Right, we'll go to this other story first."
JOERADIO: The teacher tried to confiscate the phone and your son beat him up?
CALLER: My son is not a thug at all. He's a quiet boy really.
The 'family' word is breathing heavily on radio again. Exasperated sighs. Sharp intakes of breath. Tuts.
Some teachers are on moaning about kids shooting at them. I reckon the kids are only doing it in self defense.
The art of the impossible:
Government to buy out Westlink toll bridge and introduce barrier-free tolling once M50 upgrades are completed.18:03
It's a rogues gallery. George Redmond, Padraig Flynn signed the initial deal with National Toll Roads. Charlie Haughey opened the bridge. Cost allegedly fourteen million to build. Money donated to key officials at the time. They collect 600m payback now, 20 years later. Each one of the key personnel involved at the time have been discredited and proven malverse. Have we the media with sufficient moxy to delve into such moral turpitude?
Bertie would have had it for 400m couple years ago when they first "rejected" the idea.
The Taoiseach had told the Dáil that buying out the Westlink Toll Bridge is not an option.They want to close down the tribunals of inquiry into payments to politicians for being a waste of money? They should close down the government.
The retired head of the National Toll Roads Company has confirmed to RTE News that he gave the former assistant Dublin City and County Manager, George Redmond ten thousand pounds.RTE.IE
Christ the rain is horrendous. Like ice pucks coming down.
The former Dublin Assistant City and County Manager, George Redmond, has been found guilty on two counts of corruption.RTE.IE
When he says "Let us be absolutely clear here", he's obfuscating.
The whole thing is a scam:
The Government is to buy the West-Link toll bridge for €600m. [The Transport Minister] said that the company which owns the West-Link, National Toll Roads, will receive annual payments of EUR50m until 2020.RTE.IE
Consistent with inconsistency:
The Minister for Transport has denied that the toll plaza on the M50 in Dublin is going to be bought out by the Government in the near future.RTE.IE
Let's be clear here, this a barefaced fucking obfuscation BTW:
An M50 Operational Assessment Report [commissioned by the bridge owners] has found that the majority of delays on the M50 are caused by the limited capacity of the motorway and the design of the interchanges, not the toll plaza itself.RTE.IE