
Wednesday 10 January: I have this drilling in my head. Dublin.

1927 Fritz Lang's visionary science fiction film masterpiece Metropolis is released in Germany


There is no known use for the element astatine, of which less than one ounce has ever been found in nature. 
Pat, Poseidon of the Radio Waves, moaning about bikes on balconies. (I need a bike mechanic on my balcony right now, coincidentally, to fix a flat tyre.) He's in rare form after the holidays. Must have got hit with a tax bill.
PAT: Each unit must be of an appropriate level for living. They're selling them for a price only millionaires [like me] can afford.
GUEST: In 1990, Cuba opened a medical school out of a converted naval base. They offered 1000 medics to New Orleans after Katrina (which were refused).
GUEST: Cuba have more doctors working in the Third World than the WHO have. In Dublin, vaccination rates are worse than in Third World. The Cuban women doctors who went to Pakistan after the earthquake wore veils, not Caribbean dresses.
'Thank you for calling the collector ginirals office. We expect to answer your call in about . . . 6 minutes. . .'
We expect to answer your call in about 5 minutes.
 ... about 4 minutes ...
All our lines are busy
Spread yer ol' wings and fly, me darlin': NOTE DEAD GEESE
Gardai reportedly believe that a leading Irish criminal based in southern Spain has been murdered.
One minute ....
Same 4 bars of Beethoven.
Depopulation will take care of the drugs problemos.
Oh there's two Biddy Murphy's in the building. You're on to the wrong one.
Number busy.
She's in a meeting.
Man walking up the road doing own impersonation of police siren:
woah whaoh woah hwoah
I have this drilling in my head. Dublin.
Risks of independence:
In 1974, Roy of Sealand introduced a constitution. A flag, national anthem, currency - the gold and silver Sealand dollar which is the equivalent to the US dollar - and passports have followed suit.
Four years later, Dutch and German businessmen on Sealand to discuss a business deal kidnapped Roy's son but were overpowered and held as prisoners of war before eventually being released.,23599,21026372-1702,00.html ][deprecated] Archive

More armed gardai planned for the coming year to fight each other in the streets. More traffic cops to replace the ones busted for drink driving.
I tuned into the pizza-sponsored radio show 10 minutes ago and have heard seven minutes of ads. The rest has been reading out texts.
Generation Y. Helicopter parents. On paper they're adults but they remain kids. Kidults.
All my windows crashing in ugh, tsch, smash, crash, tinkle, tzing.
George W. Bush ate a curry for the first time in his Texas life. When he sat down on the toilet next day, the resultant surge lasted 20 minutes, keeping the President of Pakistan waiting for a very important meeting. This event then inspired his new policy on the Iraq War on Words.