
Tuesday 9 January: I want one day for all these clicks to accrue to me. How many wasted springs did I propend already?

1838 French inventor Louis Daguerre announces invention of world's first photographic process with photograph taken in Paris using long exposure

The literal translation for karate is 'open hand'. That for kung fu is 'hard work' or 'long practice'. 
Pat talking about his dogs. "I'm in danger of being his bitch."
Pat is getting senile in his greatness. Rehashing headlines he picked up off the yellow press. He spat the old toffees about guns being smuggled in as sweetners in drugs shipments and generally left the country and himself in as great a state of ignorance as it ever was. Weapons of crass destruction.
God forgive me, Pat. Pat forgive me, God. Deities one.
There's a new dead dictator video today. I'll spare us the gory details. Ok, I won't. A stiff beneath a white sheet on a slab in the morgue. Guy in a white coat with a camera phone pulls back the sheet. Head languidly resting at 90 degrees to his body. The broken part of his spine pokes out through his rent throat in a fractured red pipe of bone and gristle. It cuts rudely through his beard line, spoiling the trim. Whole head almost yanked clean off. Salaam. Peace at last.
Samurai swords are now banned in Britain - they've got one up on us. Hmm. I know! Let's ban plastic swords in Ireland or at least, you can only use them outside!
Pub owner from Sligeach on the news telling how she had to close her business because people are afraid to drink and drive up the country now. Is it a good thing or not?
The minister says the locals can "design bus services" to deal with 'market failure' to get home from the pubs. Sure, there was never a market before. Why would there be one now? I suggest donkey and cart solutions to this modern scourge of drink driving. The donkey knows the way home. Throw him an apple.
Senior crime correspondent asserts that cash is the lifeblood of the drugs business. I thought blood was the lifeblood.
CALLER: Me young fella was caught with a belt of an iron bar across the nose on New Year's Day. Eight in the morning. Instead of a 'happyslap', it's called a 'knockout'. They hit you as hard as they can to try to knock you out. It's a game. Not very funny.
CALLER: Our Gardai are under resourced, we all know that.
JOE: Faderlessness. Deadbeatdads.
CALLER 2: The courts in this country think a modder is either a virgin or a victim. I pay maintenance, I visit, I do everything. I want to smack his Fianna Fail Catholic fundamentalist fat flat cap head. 'Deadbeat dads' indeed.
CALLER 1: Of course I'm a Catholic.
CALLER 2: Are you a fully paid up sitting at the front of the church beside Bertie Ahern Catholic?
CALLER 1: It's a debate where people bring loads of baggage.
CALLER 3: You only have yourself to blame by saying 'faderlessness'.
CALLER 2: The stigma for fathers is appalling. Do you think a judge would give custody to a dad? Not a hope.
CALLER 4: We've had a family structure in Ireland going back all the way to the covenant with Abraham.
CALLERS/JOE: (Silence).
CALLER: Bullying is going on full time now. School, home, can't even get the weekends off now. Text. Bebo.
Joe is actively taking calls from the thickest, most horrible Irish people who can use a phone and they're arguing off topic in a way that's not even speak a de English but they just shout and be indignant.
JOE RAPIO: Don't shout, please.
CALLER (starting off in a low tone, escalating the pitch into a crescendo): That poor girl was raped. RAPED. That poor girl was RAPED. She was RAPED. RAPED!
ADIO: Take a walk. Get fit. Get some fresh air.
JOE: You're not happy?
CALLER 6: Oh no I'm not. There should be no statues to anybody who questions the Free State. It's an affront to democracy. They wanted to invade Northern Ireland. He died on a U-boat. Treasonable action.
JOE: In Austria, you can't possess a photograph of Hitler.
CALLER 7: I'm from the National Graves Association. He was a patriot. All we are doing is restoring a monument to an Irish patriot Sean Russell. He was a 1916 man. Fought with Collins and Pearse. They all sought assistance from Germany. England's difficulty was Ireland's opportunity. You're talking about the 1940s. This memorial has been attacked loads of times since the 50s.
CALLER 8: They were supporting Fascists, it's facile and facetious to say 'England's Opportunity is Ireland's Difficulty'.
CALLER 7: Pinochet was revered.
CALLER 8: He's not a Facist he was doing deals for guns, don't confuse the issue. Vandals are terrorists.
CALLER 9: Everything in this country is a total and utter rip off. From your grocery bill to your going out.
JOE: In your subject line you wrote: "I'm going to die because of hospital waiting lists"
CALLER: I don't believe in private health insurance. Jumping queues is wrong. I was in the Mater, by the way, and it was filthy. I went to the toilet and my pyjama bottoms soaked up to the ankles in urine.
Diverting the stream of responsibility so that it flows around the You, thine ass, is the main purpose of public discourse. 
Callers baiting proletariat on the radio. Suggesting we cause truck drivers to crash in order to slow down.
Baiting women. "They're the worst drivers of all." 
Voices on the radio ringing in. What does anybody care?
Going on and on about how the hospitals are SHITE. The roads are SHITE. The schools are SHITE. The minister is SHITE. Nothing done, loads more to not do. SHITE SHITE SHITE! 
It boils down to personalities in the end. And personality is action.
"I blame the population for getting older!"
I'm no psychiatrist but some folk, the only thing that will work has to be an injection.

I want one day for all these clicks to accrue to me. How many wasted springs did I propend already? 35 billion? Still not one of them worth writing to.