Night of the big wind. The doors blowing in. There'll be lines down. The whole traffic will be in chaos tomorrow. All day.
2003 Irish farmers begin 5-day 'tractor protest' finishing in Dublin city centre, gaining international attention
The word "athlete" comes from a Greek word meaning "to compete for a prize".
A full grown chimp is a force to be reckoned with.
Chimps need human medicine. That's because they've met the humans and caught their disease.
Drinking with chimps puts them at risk.
The maggots are quiet. They only come out during peaceful hours. It's sunny but bitterly cold. I didn't even try how cold it was. I know just by looking at the air and listing to the wind scrape.
These street kids think I'm dealing with them. I'm not. I'm lecturing them. They're just not listening, so they think it's a negotiation.
When they discover bird flu in Turkey, does the whole country get sick?
The electioneering is already switching into high gear. The n-opposition parties are eating themselves and each other alive. The non-electables are talking post-election scenarios prior to anything at all.
One of the lads is skiing in Andorra today. There's no snow though.
Had a little chat with the offending neighbours last night at 03:30 about the police being called in previous. It's a moveable feast of Dubs in there, we get different characters coming through, Olympic athletes, one and all.
Chatting to a little toffee-headed Chomp of a lad called Johnno. Charming little fucker really. But I know he's only putting it on. So am I (politeness). He rolled out effusive apologies and said it wouldn't happen again. Swore on his daughter's life. But will their natures get the better of them? Only time will tell.
I really believe if you're going to swear something on someone's life you should get their permission first.
Guys this documentary is four hours long but it really helped me understand my girlfr....