
Wednesday 2 August: He seems surprised to see it

The more I think about it the more it seems I was never in control.‭ ‬On the face of it we had a relationship but it was being driven by her singular desires and projected outcomes.‭ ‬Everything was contingent on her approval and the societal value it created for her.‭ ‬The whole thing was only every pointing in one direction and the underground agenda ruled.‭ ‬Damn it.‭ ‬I can't help thinking the more I think that nice girl and all,‭ ‬fabulous woman and all,‭ ‬how much she was, was beautiful but corrupt.
Battle of Cannae
A Cannae do 'em in attitude, 216BC
216BC SECOND PUNIC WAR: Outnumbered Carthaginian general Hannibal anihilates the mighty Roman army at Battle of Cannae in one of the bloodiest battles in history
JOERADIO:‭ ‬You're in a lot of pain.‭ ‬I'm not going to prolong the pain by asking awkward questions.‭
CALLERS:‭ (‬Load of wimmins weeping together over the phone.‭) '‬I wasn't invited to me daughter's wedding‭!' (‬Rift‭!)
These holiday homes built under Section‭ ‬23‭ ‬are getting all the tax breaks back.‭ ‬More money for the big boys.‭ ‬The people who actually pay tax CAN GO AND FUCK THEMSELVES‭!
ADIO:‭ ‬Be clever.‭ ‬Hedge your bets.‭ ‬Join our bank.‭ ‬We'll go down on you.‭ ‬We'll go up on you.‭ ‬Join because you trust us.‭
So I hear this shouting.‭ ‬A Dub female rasping harshly.‭ ‬Her lowlife bloke walks ahead.‭ ‬Cleaner than usual blues and whites‭ (‬denotes a court appearance‭)‬,‭ ‬younger than average with louder than average babble.‭ ‬The grey pallor of junk loses light in their living-dead faces.‭ ‬Lucid,‭ ‬incoherent,‭ ‬she gives it loads,‭ ‬screaming at him.‭
With fiery red hair,‭ ‬she totally is admonishing him about something or other on the Hill by the Zone.‭ ‬He carries a few beers under his arm‭ (‬denotes a suspended sentence‭)‬.‭ ‬Doesn't argue,‭ ‬his head is hung.‭ ‬She's all snap‭ ‬yap snap yap snap‭ ‬-‭ ‬generating an harradian din.
They junk-walk past the Green Zone jabbering like rats.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬unexpectedly,‭ ‬and for no apparent reason,‭ ‬apropos of nothing,‭ ‬without an other word,‭ ‬whilst she speaks ceaselessly,‭ ‬bearing a puzzled expression,‭ ‬he stops,‭ ‬turns,‭ ‬thrusts his free hand down the waistband of his crispy clean tracky bottoms to rummage.‭ ‬Still holding the tins of beer with his other arm,‭ ‬herself continues unrelentingly to chastise him greatly,‭ ‬as he pulls his mickey out into plain view and droops it over the tracksuit waistband,‭ peering at it.‭ ‬He seems surprised to see it as we are.‭ ‬Shocked into a momentary silence,‭ ‬she gapes at it.
I appraise the scene from my angle above.‭ ‬I'm not gay or anything but it's normal,‭ ‬flaccid,‭ ‬foreskinned and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬fresh faced,‭ ‬in a manner of speaking,‭ ‬like it hasn't been anywhere.‭ ‬Much.‭ ‬Her O-face notwithstanding,‭ I adjudge ‬it's sure not getting anywhere now.‭
She immediately segues into a‭ "‬What have ya that out for‭?" ‬topical outrage rant,‭ ‬in keeping with the fast-changing times.‭ ‬He pinches it bemusedly between finger and thumb,‭ ‬caressing it like a beloved pregnant goldfish.‭ ‬He clearly doesn't know what he's doing with it out either.‭ ‬I happen to know it's because fellas off their features on heroin get an itchy dick.‭ ‬Seen it before.‭ They all go s‬cratching their mickeys.‭ ‬Kind of a side-effect of their not-so-glorious highs.‭
Things ain't looking so high now as reacting faster than he,‭ ‬she steps up and claps his knob real hard with the spoon of her hand.‭ ‬Swift as a boxer,‭ ‬she flakes him two or three times in a flurry.‭ ‬The slapping sound brings my knees together involuntarily.‭ ‬His face burns red and his eyes swell.‭ Roaring with pain he whips it back in to relative safety.‭ ‬
Tears spring from his eyes.‭ ‬He pouts.‭ ‬This smacked up scumbag is a mere boy,‭ ‬after all is said and done.‭ ‬In a futile attempt to find something to follow up on,‭ ‬her shoulders drop and she steps backward.‭ ‬He cries like a child.‭
They turn and make their way up the Hill together as he's bawling.‭ ‬She offers him cold comfort by lambasting him some more.‭ ‬He's not just sore,‭ ‬he's upset.‭
Just another vignette from the vine tree.