1944 WWII: Polish resistance fighters in Warsaw begin ill-fated 63-day uprising against Nazi rule as Stalin orders Soviet troops to halt their advance while Nazis liquidate city
Resisting the Nazskis, 1944 |
Like ferrets. One in five Irish people are having an affair. Tuts to that.
CALLER 1 (hawker): It's along the lines of LAPD, Joe.
CALLER 2 (hawk): It's equipment, and I'd have no problem getting admittance to a house of sin because I wear white socks with black winkle pickers and slacks and a hat like that. No bother getting in at all, Joe. It's a matter of internals security in the Republic.
CALLER 3: It's only for tourists.
CALLER 4: Croime is getting worse. We're starting up a "community association" to "help" the police. We should have a few of them hats.
CALLER 5: Some of those unworthies could be wearing a badge or a t-shirt and a pair of blue trousers and do what they want. Knock at your door ...
CALLER 6: Joe you'll have head-cases pulling people off on the side of the road. Pulling them over. With replica guns. Like the gardai losing the run of themselves. Somebody could be going down on a dark road, some fella with a baseball cap starts frisking someone.
CALLER 2: The people of Ireland trust the uniform of the badge. People will be confused. I don't care if it sells well or not! The criminals will be buying it!
JOERADIO: Feel the quality. They'll sell like hotcakes.
CALLER 2: They should be withdrawn!
JOERADIO: If the dope smokers on Marberry street go in to Farrel's Souvenirs and rob the hats, there'll be total confusion?
CALLER 7: There's serial numbers that's unique to every Gard. I look fore-wird to gettin' one Jow. I would love it. I wouldn't bretend to be a card, Joe. You only look like a Gard if you start asking stupid questions.
JOE: And skippin' the queue.
CALLER 8 (battleaxe): If someone wearing a baseball cap with a Garda logo kills an old woman, will that man who makes those hats compensate the family? I've had 12 robberies in my post office. I let them have the tongue off me and they ran.
LEAGUE BULLETIN: Garda HQ took only 30 minutes to release opposite statements signed by the same man, supporting, then condemning the merchandise. I propose the League of Very Ordinary Gentlemen acquire imitation decals for our fleet of cars and bicycles. We shall drive around hassling idiots with our Garda baseball caps and cheap flashlights. Gentlemen are encouraged to deploy fridge magnets on car doors and hold their heads out the window emitting whooey-whoos as loud as possible when on operations. Gun your engines/drop a gear for high rev urgency.
The Irish fragmentation grenade, the snooker cue. The Drunkardstown equivalent of a heavy machine gun, the 16-inch butching blade.
Winning the war for parts and brains. Losing the war for hearts and minds in the 'Fghanistan.
Drunk and in control of a space veh-icle.
Social content. Yourpornospace.com. Does anyone else think we b3 taking the social internet scene too far?