I think dope makes you selfish. Me. It makes ME selfish. So it do. Do I fucking care?
Love maker:
Do you dare to Derring Dougal?
Alls Doug wants is to meet a nice girl. Sheer happiness is just a click or two away, ladies.
Widgets gadgets rabbits faggots fuck this I'm off. Bed 2.0.
I think dope makes you selfish. Me. It makes ME selfish. So it do. Do I fucking care?
Love maker:
Do you dare to Derring Dougal?
Alls Doug wants is to meet a nice girl. Sheer happiness is just a click or two away, ladies.
Widgets gadgets rabbits faggots fuck this I'm off. Bed 2.0.
1776 Independence Day as United States congress declares independence from Britain
Dreamt last night that I'm in an airplane crash. In a jumbo. A problem on take off means the pilot has to make an emergency landing. Brace myself. He flies about, twisting and turning, circling and limping on a lack of power. Vestibular chaos throws me about in my dream. Eventually the pilot touches down by practically vertical means, stalling the craft and stepping gently out of the sky. I awake panting.
A 22 year old from Dublin shot a 25 year old. Neck wounds. No news.
Tom the Rubgy Gurk is making Pat The Kat sound positively sexy and the chairman of Mensa. More panegyrics about the Late Great Leader Haughey-san who introduced generous tax allowance for horse jism, champagne, Charvet shirts, caviare and every other thing he needed to support his lifestyle. They trundle his daughter on to talk about the 'big gap now that he's there, gone'. She can console herself with the millions in gold he kept while the rest of us shivered in our beds with no food or heat during his reign.
Road Safety Authority guy sounds annoyed and pokes his finger at all men under 30 and says 'you people are responsible for your own problems'. He's drawing some giant brush stroke generalisations of those dozen-or-so poor fuckers who have undermined his "less dead this year" press release on Friday by dying in car crashes over the past 72 hours.
If you don't like living under my regime, why don't you just jump into a car and go kill yourself?
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has apologised for comments he made in a speech this morning in which he suggested that he did not know how people who engaged in moaning about the economy did not commit suicide.
Barbecue bombs at the airport in Britfuckingain. Irate terrorists. Tuts.
Binge drinking - we need to shn shrn shtandardishe our meashurmen-hic:
The WHO defines binge drinking as the consumption of five units or more of alcohol on a single occasion. This equates to 2.5 pints of beer, five measures of spirits or about three glasses of wine.
However, the survey found that 27% of people believed that binge drinking meant drinking more than 10 alcoholic drinks on one occasion.
The Fianna Family button man says it's skulduggery on the part of the people who are not in his gang.
One of the Terrorist Bomb Plotters who got lost on the way to the barbecue up by Glasgow airport was from Iraq. You think he'd be more grateful for his being liberated than that!
These forty year old women talkn n txt spk lol on dating sites sound like pdo filz lol!.