
Monday 17 July: I couldn't have loved her more

Marriage is not for all. Marriage is not even forever. Marriage is just not. Can a love's loss be ironic? Is it not a literary conceit, irony? Is not loss real and bitter? That's the difference between life and art - life has bitter lessons, art has ironic counterpoints.
I kept it clean because I wanted to win honestly. I lost the bout on points.
1979 President Samoza of Nicaragua flees to US as left-wing Sandanista rebels seize capital of Managua at culmination of 7-year war

Just holding an AK47 is a death sentence in Iraq.
"The Coca Cola of international terror."
Mr Kalishnikov makes his own lawnmower. Says "I don't pull the trigger. I defended against fascists when I made the gun. My people have a history of making guns."
Afghanistan is a country cursed by the Ak47 (and not the Brits like me). The Russians cleared the trees from the roads so nobody could jump out at them and shoot them with an AK.
Osama uses one. It's not very nice to watch. Hand in hand with the Koran it's the symbol of jiihad.
Republicans used them. The other side as well, you know?
There may be 100 million of them in the world.
I've met American special forces troops. Ahem. Disguised with AKs. Black people from New Orleans were opening up on cops rushing to help them with AK47s.
On about yachting again. I think I’ll change the channel.
I couldn't have loved her more, and got so little out of it. Just a stinging sensation at the end.