1701 Buccaneer Captain Kidd made to walk the plank after piracy and murder conviction in London
CALLER 1 (male): He's opened an unMERCIFUL wound.
JOERADIO: "Gold diggers."
CALLER 1: I was in Letterfrack, Artane, Goldenbridge and Daingean (St. Conlons.)
JOERADIO: “Solicitors passing around lists of Brothers.”
CALLER 1: I believe in God. I have faith in God!
CALLER 2 (female): I'm from 'L.O.V.E.' - Let Our Voices Emerge. We know for a fact that people have gone forward for financial - may I finish what I'm saying? You are trying to stop me having my say - Joe?
JOERADIO: Let him speak.
CALLER 1: Bollox! The pain. Oh Jesus. Kicked to pieces. It's hard enough to be abused without having to prove it over and over again!
CALLER 2: I support the right of anybody who speaks the truth. We like our Brothers.
CALLER 3: "Hurt people" to use the modern expression. Under the terms of the redress deal, solicitors for Church and State required indemnity issued otherwise no compensation money would be paid. I don't believe anyone could make up the stories I've heard. Some of it is bestial. I believe them. The graphic details purveyed to me, in my office, every fibre of my being in sympathy went out to all those poor men and women who've ever been abused. I would like to emphasise that I don't fall into the category of solicitors taking fees from the State -
CALLER 2: Joe, can I come in there?
AD: Give to the deaf, dumb and blind.
CALLER 4: They were the main source of education in Ireland. How many people came out of the Christian Brothers educated? Not many. Harrowing time over two days of the Redress board. The judge is jumping through this process so fast people don't have time to get to Dublin to have their say. We only want to get an apology and to deal with our horrible history.
CALLER 1: They're smart. Criminals of the highest order. They're given a platform to make outlandish allegations. They say the motivation is cash. If Judge O'Shea doesn't do the task, WE CERTAINLY WILL.
CALLER 1, 2, 4, JOE: You're polluting the air. Prove it, prove it, prove it. Bring it to the Guards. It's impossible to do that. Pull down the other two lines for a second.
CALLER 1, 4: (Hollering in the background, volume down.) You're representing this, you're alleging that, you say this, you say that, Joe, can I come out from under the hat?
CALLER 2: They're saying Brother Reilly is making 'outlandish allegations'. Ac-hah. Joe? (Whimper.)
CALLER 5: Joe, if you or I commit a crime, we don't get someone into a witness box to back us up. Six girls died since last June who were in Goldenbridge with me. The eldest 60, the youngest 46.
CALLER 6: What God are they representing?
CALLER 5: A dying nun apologised to me for what they done as a child. She said: "If we knew then what we know now, things would have been a lot different."
CALLER 2: (Bleh) voices be heard . . . Right let me apologise to all the REAL victims of abuse but the rest are - .
CALLER 5: Excuse me Miss Hogden-Hay-Garden you were at a debate in Trinity the other night SLOSHED out of your brain -
AD: Buy some insurance. AA insurance.
JOERADIO: Apologies for that Blan-ad.
CALLER 2: It's all right, Joe. Ac-ach. I'm used to the abuse.
[The religious Brother] said the congregation did have doubts that all of the 449 claims of abuse made against it were genuine.
CALLER 1: It DID happen. And I'll BURN the compensation money in front of them!
A hammer for all occasions. Icepick, punch, stove lid lifter, nail puller, axe, screwdriver, friend. Infinite uses except when searching for lost balls in long grass.