1999 Columbine High school massacre in Colorado as "Trenchcoat Mafia" teenagers armed with guns and grenades kill 13 fellow students
In an argument, in order to win, if someone starts yelling, remain so silent they will start to wonder if you are listening.

Bertie has placed a charity bet that he'll get elected. If he loses, the money (sourced from who knows where) goes to the Guide Dogs for the Blind. If he wins, he leads the blind.
On 20 April 2000, beseiged bog man Tom Maclarty from Ballylara was shot dead by the police negotiator sent to resolve the case. Obviously fed up with all this pointless talk, the negotiator decided to settle the matter for once and for all.
The National Library has announced its acquisition of a number of manuscripts following the recent Adams & Mealy's 'Independence' sale.
They include a series of 14 letters from Moya Llewelyn Davies, which feature personal reminiscences of Michael Collins and his contemporaries, along with unflattering comments on Lady Lavery and Kitty Kiernan.