
Sunday 11 February: Then she slipped out the way she came, none the wiser but more confused.

That thumpin is not the unbuilt city evolving from the mud and grime. It's my head. Lucifer's tit, the over is now over and the stumps are to be pulled up and thrown out of the oval, to abuse a cricket metaphor. 
1942 First ever gold record given to Glen Miller and His Orchestra to honour over 1m sales of "Chattanooga Choo Choo"

An eternal flame lamp kept burning at the temple of a Buddist monk in Japan has kept burning for 1,130 years.
Ah lads, de ye ever gives it a rest? With the buildin'? It's Sunday for chrissakes!
Ah lads, are ye not giving it a rest with the whireing! It's Sunday for jaysis sake.
Here comes another one. Two on Sundays is serious. Jesus Christ.
And a third. Holy shit.
Lively up yourself. Just deleted all my photos from our trip to Rome last year. I could cry but I guess I'm proud of my record. I haven't perpetrated an error in four years in any circumstances, until now. Oh no, maybe - The last time I made an error I told my ex-girlfriend she put on weight.
I wasn't mistaken, but it was a mistake to say it. But that wasn't the big mistake, the big mistake was what happened next, because then I told her to 'Relax'.
As I say, ex-girlfriend. Nothing we can do about it now, and the way I felt about her at the time, she deserved to hear some home truths. I've been careful ever since then to not tell anyone who is getting stroppy (and people do) to 'Relax'. Not because they shouldn't relax but because they could give their selves a hernia in their reply to that entreaty.
('Don't tell me to relax!')
Or calm down either.
Must have a scoo-ther to to-win an see what's go-win' on.
Howerya amigo. See ya, gringo.
Bleedin' blow-ins:
A prominent Irish drug trafficker is believed to have been shot dead in Spain. The man, who was in his 20s, is originally from Dublin.
Sultry Argentinian chick living in the flat upstairs knocks, asking me about the light in the hall and the heat from the immersion. I could turn it on for you if you like. She had her head in my cupboard, trying to decode the mysteries of that most Irish mysterious ritual, hot water. Spontaneously, egregiously, randomly, I said if she saw any trouble to come get me for protection. She said, it's ok, she's moving out soon. Then she slipped out the way she came, none the wiser but more confused.
In the meantime my Dub neighbours next door have got to be the biggest fucking idiots anywhere in the world.