
Friday 19 January: Just keep those hands where we can see them, buddy

Sonoluminescence is the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound.
It's interesting that in this day and age, when uncertainty is a fundamental underpinning of all lasers, computers and laboratories, that one armchair sportsman is so sure about something:
Pope Benedict XVI ended weeks of speculation yesterday by announcing that his first encyclical will be published next Wednesday and will deal with the difference between spiritual and erotic love.
Vatican sources suggest the encyclical focuses on the relationship between 'eros', or erotic love, and 'agape', the unconditional, spiritual and selfless love taught by Jesus. "Eros, this gift of the love between a man and a woman, comes from the same source, from the goodness of creator," the pope told his audience yesterday.
Just keep those hands where we can see them, buddy.
Pope sets tone of his papacy with an encyclical on love. Saucy Pope, the Sex Machine.
It's also interesting that the Head of the Catholic Denial Squad can blithely ignore the iceberg sitting on the round square in front of him. He should try listening to Irish news for one day to hear about the horny, fucked up priests staffing his domain, as well as the "agape-y" ones. Let's face it, they're not all bad. It just seems that way.
THE revelation that a Galway-based priest has resigned after fathering a child by a 31-year-old woman has re-ignited the debate about celibacy in the Church.
Meanwhile in the hollow of my head a stream of urine is ringing down.
The 73-year-old priest is believed to have first met the 31-year-old mother of his child, a Dublin-based teacher, while serving in the nearby parish of Muckenya. The baby was born late last year. My dear old ancestors are from Muckenya. Fear not, there's a place for a Fr. Father in my Republic, as long as he's good to play 25/likes hurling/thedhrink.
Ah sure, Fr. Brian F'Arcey, it's an unfortunate choice of words but what the hell:
"I really think that some of the absolute cream of the priesthood have been lost and I think it's one of the reasons we are in the huge mess we're in at the moment," he noted.
Is it eros or agape or abuse? Is it the same preisht? Age allegations, are they proportionate?
Gardai and health-board officials are reportedly investigating allegations of child sex abuse against an elderly priest in the Co Galway diocese of Clonfert.
1946 BORN: Dolly Parton, AKA Dolly Rebecca Parton, country singer, actor, Jolene, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

Dawn does not have an early light around here. Locked into the same latitude as Siberia, we awake to a cold machine driving over our heads. Tring trink gring ding. Xhoowuuch. The hammering starts. The braking begins. The frigid approach of the day brings with it frozen baristas making poor coffee for rich prices. Nothing is right. nothing is beautiful. everything is crime and glib, gleeful usury. If the banks can do it, why can't I? If the government does it, then my. Dawn brings with it more darkness. The only thing that prevents petrification is the balming current from Mexico that spreads in the sea to our West. It too is threatened by the movements of greedy little men. "I wish I wore a hearing aid." With the simple flick of a switch I could drown out the greedy murmer of little engines.
Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa using 30 layers of paint, some of which are thinner than a human hair, using a technique called  'sfumato'.   
Gardai have brought in some heavy pumping equipment to suck up the shores and drains around a murder scene looking for the murder weapon. That's it lads, tidy fucking up!
JOE: Who was in Abbeyville? Was Charlie Haughey living there?
CALLER: No, this German fella Otto. Who rescued Mussolini. I had to move his furniture into Abbeyville House for him. The fella with scars on his face. I do know for a fact we took the furniture out of his house in the Curragh and brought it up there to Abbeyville, in Kinsealy at the end of the sixties.
Otto Skorenzy is a Nazi hero, if such a thing is possible (note the multi-barred Iron Cross). He was personally chosen by AH to rescue Benito Muscletrousers who was in the shitcan with his natives.
WIKIPEDIA: Almost two months of cat-and-mouse followed, as the Italians moved Mussolini from place to place in order to frustrate any would-be rescuers. Finally, with information on Mussolini's location and its topographical features found by Herbert Kappler and air reconnaissance by Skorzeny himself, on September 12 Skorzeny took part as a guest in Unternehmen Eiche, a daring glider-based assault on the Campo Imperatore Hotel at Gran Sasso, and rescued Mussolini without firing a single bullet. Skorzeny escorted Mussolini to Rome and later to Berlin. The exploit earned Skorzeny worldwide fame, promotion to major and the Knight's Cross, a higher order of the Iron Cross.
Here he comes to the Land of the Welcomes:
He spent part of his time in Ireland between 1959-1969 where he bought Martinstown House a 200 acre farm in County Kildare. He then founded the Paladin mercenary group in 1970.
In need of a safe haven:
[He] is rumoured to have assisted several of his friends in the secret SS escape network ODESSA in the years after the war. According to the Spanish newspaper "El Mundo", he was a key figure in organizing one of Odessa's largest bases, which was located in Spain.[2] Some of his henchmen may have helped Aribert Heim (aka "Doctor Death", found to be living in Spain in October 2005) escape from justice.

Lived in Abbeville House in Kinsealy, Co. Dublin. Sold the house on to another extremist and right-wing poster boy before moving operations back to the continent:
In February 1969 [Charles Haughey] purchased Abbeville, Kinsealy for IRP120,000.
CALLER: When I was a younglad in Kildare we heard he was a pilot. Me father came onto Skor-kenzies land with shotguns, after a few pheasant. Himself and another fella.
Yer man Skor-kenzie sees them and comes out running, shouting at them and abusing them. He said 'Get off my land.' Me father was in the Irish Army for thirty years. Me father turned around to him and said 'I was shooting this land while you were still burning Jews!' He turned on his heels. They knew about him and they weren't afraid of him. They didn't take any guff from him. He might have been a big fella, but people knew what he was at the back of him.
CALLER: Skorenzy bought Aran sweaters in my father's shop, who was a Jewish businessman on Parnell St. He had a big scar on his face. The point is, my father wouldn't take money off a Nazi.
JOE: And he was deeply upset after what happened in the war, obviously.
CALLER: I recall Otto Skorenzy. I read a full feature on this daring pilot in the Evening Press. If he missed landing the plane by inches then there would have been a disasterous crash. His exploits are seen as one of the most daring exploits of any pilot ever there was in the world.
JOE: Did she tell you it was going to be a dangerous landing?
CALLER (a lady just back from Oz): She was a lady pilot. She didn't say 'dangerous.' She said 'pay special attention to the emergency exits'. She was a lady pilot. A lady. And her co-pilot was a lady. 
Frankenstein's health service removed 14000 pituitary glands from dead Irish babies without telling the relatives and sent them to Scandinavia for chemical manufacture. They took brains and loads of other organs too. Whipped them out without so much as a by-your-leave. The corpses of babies desecrated by the people who were appointed to look after them. Parents weren't told. Dead babies don't object. Another 20 million incredible euro down the plughole in reports and inquiries, while the number of patients on trolleys is at 450 this day. Good job they didn't try to post the report on the Internet, or another 120 million easy e would drop.
Professional baseball players in America use Human Growth Hormone to hit the ball harder. Actors inject it in their face to look young.
The lesson is, don't get the legal profession to run your inquiries. They'll cream it. Meanwhile, fellow 'professionals' the doctors, are cutting the corpses open and lying to the good folk who are bereaved. Glandular theft. They called it a post mortem. They were even asking before the kid died. Cackle. Organ retention. A heist. Get them when they're in shock from the dead baby, as they'll never say no when in shock, they trust you. That's the plan. If they disagree to the procedure, tell them they have no choice, we'll do it anyway.
They held the kid's organs, even the reproductive ones, there's no idea where they went to. Parent's daughters cut up and disbursed by the health services. Death-dealing services.
Email off it's hind quarters at last.
Government 1850214850 fucking helpline. Help us get rid of the fucking government, please. Mary Quite Contrary is coming over all goolike and sympathetic. She says there's major progress in the accident and emergency wards. She says there wasn't that many folk in the hospital trolleys over Christmo. Yeahm, cos management was on holidays. She's saved by the bells of the angelus. That's not management, that's fucking ridiculous.
The solution to the crisis is to outlaw email in the healthservice. Ban meetings. Push back the petty dictators. Hang 'em high.
Word du jour: "Robust". On the way out: "Going forward".
Cheeky listeners state that the doctors stole the organs. Another one (a victim) says the organs were salvaged for research - it gives their kid some chance to do good now they're dead. Except they weren't using it for research, they were using it for production, sad to say.
Apparantly the cops were called in last weekend by a parent of one of the girls hanging in the flat next door to mine who was worried about something that was going on in there.
Cops told one of the neighbours that you wouldn't put a dog in there it's so vile. The situation appears to be worse than I thought. I can't handle it without the League although the League has avowed that nothing will ever be done. 
The foaming ocean. The miscreants are in pissing in their toilets. Little do they know about the plot tides against them.
Ass-covering is the national norm.
At this very moment Fade from Yo Big Bro vibes like Saddam going down for the hanging.
The politicians are busy justifying their fat ass selves and not doing anything. At least the crims do work, out pushing drugs and firing pistols.
The celebrities have all got the expensive bras on for the eviction.
She is an influential person.