
Sunday 14 January: "I sat here and listened to you talk about your family for ages."

1914 Henry Ford introduces revolutionary new production lines for manufacture of Model T automobile

Ford's leather fetish, 1914

The Asian Cyprian honeybee asphyxiates its nemisis, the Oriental hornet, by smothering it with other honeybees as a mob.

Freddy says, "Ye know the way a woman just want's to surrender to ya? I went on a date the other night and she was complaining to me. First date. Yeah. She says, 'Are ye this miserable on a date all the time? Do you think you should be going on dates because you're this miserable when you go out?'
"That's just the way I am", I said. "I sat here and listened to you talk about your family for ages."
'You led me into that!' she says.
"Oh, so now I'm controlling you?" I says."
It's a long way down:
With the knot of the noose placed at the left side of the subject's neck, under the jaw, the jolt to the neck at the end of the drop is enough to break or dislocate a neck bone called the axis, which in turn should sever the spinal cord. In some cases, the hangman jerks up on the rope at the precise moment when the drop is ending in order to facilitate the breakage.
This is the ideal situation in a long drop. When the neck breaks and severs the spine, blood pressure drops down to nothing in about a second, and the subject loses consciousness. Brain death then takes several minutes to occur, and complete death can take more than 15 or 20 minutes, but the person at the end of the rope most likely can't feel or experience any of it.

'Europe's next-top-model' website has no Irish colleens on it at all. Strange but true.