Beautiful. But corrupt.
1942 WWII: First US action in Pacific as Marines land on island of Guadalcanal and seize airfield, followed by protracted battle with Japanese forces
SUMMARY: USB umbrella hooked into a wifi network can download the forecast from Accuweather. If the handle is glowing, it means "rain" and it's telling you to take it with you.
CONCLUSION: Superfluous.
She was always reluctant to spend her own money around me. What was she saving it for? I bought dinner every single time and I never complained. I bought just about every drink. If she ever so much as made a gesture, like buying me coffee, I'd pay her back in quadruple. I'm not moaning, I'm just saying it like it is, that's all. Was. Like it was. I'm not bitter. I don't think.
What set that off, was it the Bin Laden story or the article about luxury lifestyles I read?
Bank Holiday Bleak End. A hottie slinks into her newly renovated townhouse on Barber Hill. I observe her carrying a guitar in from her car as I amble past. 'Need some help with that dar broom, Miss? My name is Bob, Bob Congeniality. Why I do believe this here is a geetawr. Why shucks...'
Beautiful. But corrupt.
1942 WWII: First US action in Pacific as Marines land on island of Guadalcanal and seize airfield, followed by protracted battle with Japanese forces
SUMMARY: USB umbrella hooked into a wifi network can download the forecast from Accuweather. If the handle is glowing, it means "rain" and it's telling you to take it with you.
CONCLUSION: Superfluous.
She was always reluctant to spend her own money around me. What was she saving it for? I bought dinner every single time and I never complained. I bought just about every drink. If she ever so much as made a gesture, like buying me coffee, I'd pay her back in quadruple. I'm not moaning, I'm just saying it like it is, that's all. Was. Like it was. I'm not bitter. I don't think.
What set that off, was it the Bin Laden story or the article about luxury lifestyles I read?
Bank Holiday Bleak End. A hottie slinks into her newly renovated townhouse on Barber Hill. I observe her carrying a guitar in from her car as I amble past. 'Need some help with that dar broom, Miss? My name is Bob, Bob Congeniality. Why I do believe this here is a geetawr. Why shucks...'