
Friday 4 August: Vaginally enthroned

I'm like,‭ ‬catching the eye.‭ ‬She pulls into the bar alongside me.‭ ‬Brushes her tit off my elbow.‭ ‬Says something to the barman about getting some crisps.‭ ‬My dumb gambit is‭ "‬You sure that's a good idea‭?" ‬I read something on about the utter nutritional futility of potato chips,‭ ‬although I didn't say that.
She turns her head,‭ ‬looks down her nose at my pint and says,‭ "‬Guinness I hear makes your shit stink.‭" ‬I feel bad about myself.‭ ‬She crinkle cuts a salt and vinegar face.‭ ‬I'm thinking,‭ "‬Don't be such a stuck up cow.‭"
Ghetto making music thrumps through the night.‭ ‬A couple of Dubskis trot home happy speaking their horse language.‭ ‬They seem like a nice pair of ponies.‭ ‬Probably wondering about the music.
-‭ ‬You hear zat beatski‭?
-‭ ‬Let's go back and vfind out vhere it's coming from ski‭?
-‭ ‬You must be craz-ki.‭ ‬Let's get ouvt ov hrre‭!
1966 Religious ire drawn as John Lennon makes 'Beatles more popular than Jesus' boast on US radio
Sometimes I think Irish girls are breathtakingly arrogant.‭ ‬They won't even meet you half-way.‭ ‬By virtue of birth, vaginally enthroned,‭ ‬they can say anything they feel like and don't apologise to nobody for nothing.
Guy whistling,‭ ‬shouting,‭ ‬buzzing my bell,‭ ‬wearing blue sports apparel.‭ ‬The cops are picking him up now with a blower shouting orders to him from out the patrol car.‭ ‬The rain from Blade Runner.