
Monday 12 June: Guttered

2003 DIED: Gregory Peck, AKA Eldred Gregory Peck, actor, To Kill a Mockingbird

Endless inquiries into the intricate ins and outs of the money being thrown about the west of the city to conniving political workers who glad-handled "donations". The longer it goes on the more meaningless it gets. Perhaps that's the whole point of tribunals of inquiry, to make bribery seem implausible.
As the reporter details ad infinitum the complex web of kickbacks, the news presenter shuffles papers distractedly, so close to his mic it sounds almost as if he is wrapping his microphone in a particularly crinkly piece of parched aluminium foil. Even so, the correspondent on the phone hitches up, momentarily disturbed by the kershuffle.
Handing out suspensions to hurlers for giving each other a dig in a match is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.
Handing out condemnation for politicians taking money from property developers is like handing out suspensions to hurlers for giving each other a dig in a match.
Writing letters of condemnation to the Irish Times about pig ignorant gardai is like handing out condemnation for politicians taking money from property developers.
And in Philosophical news today: "Maybe there isn't even English for onomatopoeia."
Bertie. Albert. Michael’s names all dragged into it. By that thick culchie Spillmartin. He’s singing like a frigging tweety bird!
Obviously the witness is a big fat liar and a man of no credibility.
Three lump sums but it’s hearsay, in fairness. There’s not a shred of evidence. Anybody who has any evidence should produce it.
Jammy mammies. Driving their kids to school in they pyjamas.
Tummy mummies and the unemployed wander around, skin to the sky taking rays.
Paris Hilton has been released from jail with a diamond ankle bracelet and placed under mansion arrest.
Happens to the best of us. Guttered.
She says she's not coming around, no surprises there. She wants to meet tomorrow for a talk. I hate "meetings" with girlfriends. I hate "talks."