
Friday 2 June: Soy irlandes perro travaillo en dublin.

1896 Guglielmo Marconi patents broadcasting by means of electromagnetic waves (radio)

What am I supposed to do? She's fucking off in fucking Manchester now! She goes on about her ex. We spoke about the fun aspects and now it's dependency time - some kind of hooks. Puts me in the same me-me-memail as the fucking my ex is this and he's doing that. So you said already. What do I fucking care? I have an ex or two too, and that's fucked up, let me tell ya. I say I wish she'd invite me off somewhere sometime. I say too much then.
In the chair. Slaving away on the weekend. It flashes through me angrily now and then how much consideration she doesn't show me. How ridiculous the whole situation is. Now it's defensive withdrawals all around. She's mad in the head to think that that's good enough, what she shows me.
Have to let it go anyway.
She's such a donkey though. Unbelievable. Unreasonable. And being a girl is no excuse for being pig ignorant of your manners. You know, girlfriend-dom is not just a lifestyle choice, it's a responsibility!
In the chair, me llamao es mick. como esta? que tal? de donde eres? Soy irlandes perro travaillo en dublin.
Pig ignorant of our manners, I felt.