A diamond's beauty and value are determined by four factors. Listed in order of importance, they are the Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat size of the diamond (the 4 C's). Note that the Cut of a diamond refers to how well proportioned and finished it is, as opposed to its shape, such as round, pear, heart, etc.
The other day at a bus stop I witnessed a guy dumping a bag full of food on the street about a foot away from a large bin. Summary, people dont care. Thats one problem. http://dirtydublin.blogspot.com/
Madeline on Radio 1 is just a big luvvie, mu-ing at everyone who comes near her mic. Happens with those who have no inherent talent themselves and need to scramble.
She says "Like a duck looking at thunder!" = (I dunno. WTF?)
My poor old c: drive has been defragmenting for days now.
The golden girls in the studio are chatting about the forthcoming "Women's Mini-Marathon" which, by arbitrary diktat, they are quick to point out, no man may enter. Dark-age tactics! If I announced I was going out to organise a men's mini-marathon, no women allowed, I'd be shot and my corpse screamed at as they dragged it along the entire 10 km route, which does not even amount to a training run for a marathon. I'd be cut down before I reached the door and punished for all eternity.
Ah, yes, the venerable 'taxpayers' who are paying for lavish government consultants' reports and other accoutrements of state. And are consultants not taxpayers? (Some of them anyway, somewhat, after all the deductions.) The mythical 'taxpayer' lends moral authority to insouciant radio marms. Tax is a license to trade. 'Taxpayers' is a license to be condescending.
The Gardai? No, a foreign state service burns up the paper trail:
Both men apparently checked out of the hotel in the afternoon of Commander Crabb's disappearance. Several pages of the hotel register were later found to be missing.
Irish clerics? No, British spies:
He is said to have told friends that he was "going down to take a dekko at the Russian bottoms" for which he would earn 60 guineas.
The Rooskies got wind of his adventure and churned the battleship's propellor as the frogman swam by. How do you like them apples, Commander Crabb?
Dublin city authorities have a call out for their new 'litter plan'. "Help us keep our city clean. We want your views."
I ply them with my suggestion via the website.
Dear Dublin,
Sweep up.