
Saturday 6 May: It's all bets and sex

In Dublin's fair city
Where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
At the top of Church Hill, three streams of traffic plus the back door of the world's original military barracks meet at the small crossroads. There Molly stands and stokes another cigarette. The barracks are obsolete now but the corner isn't. She pulls back the frock of her coat to flash a bit of thigh. Headlights peel around the bend. She flicks her auburn hair and thrusts her pelvis toward the faces leering at her. A night crawler slows but lumbers on. The butt flickers in the so'westerly, illuminating her pock-marked mouth. She smiles slatternly, nodding to the cruisers with a 'fuck me' tick. Quite the bit of traffic about tonight. It won't be long before someone drops the clutch.
A white van slows to a stop. Window rolls. Molly goes over. The whirling, whuckling sounds of the diesel engine throbbing. Tradesman's livery. A brief conversation at the kerb. Molly gets in and they drive.
It's twenty-or-so minutes later. She's walking down the Hill, smoking and speaking into her mobile. In the other direction, from the dark horizon of the quays, a cream-cracker appears with a phone in his ear.
They rendezvous on the street below, right outside my window where my lights are dimmed. She hands him a note. He pinches her a dime bag. He's stocky. Shaven headed. Twenty two going on thirty nine. Each goes back the way they came.
It’s ten minutes later. Molly junk walks down the hill, wearing a crooked smile. She is as high as the lights on The Spike. She's not smoking this time.
The Internet. It's all bets and sex.