
Saturday 20 May: Blaspheme the blasphemers

1873 Levi Strauss takes out a patent for blue jeans with copper rivets
Well, while I was out last night to see Aoife and not long after I left, the cops punched down the door to apartment number four in the building, two floors down. Printing passports they were, indoors of there, neighbour Helen says she was told be the cops. 
From what I gather, dodgy unknown other-nationals were sublet inside operating a proper forgery operation. The words “Bulgarian" and “Romanian" were being bandied about like stale cheese.Paddy the old fart landlord of number four wouldn't give the squad a key. So they kicked it down. I had a look and it's all smashed. Splinters all over the stairs and landing. Crime scene tape across the gap. Door frame lifted out of it. Paddy should give the Peelers the key when they ask. He don't have to be so curmudgeonly.
No sex again last night. I deserve not having it. Round two. I've been a bad boyfriend. Alls I said wouldn't it be nice if she came to stay by me one day. She panics a bit and long story short, starts to cry. Oh why. I say I'll guarantee your personal safety. She looks at me askance. OK, I can't blame her. Damn.
That stupid racist shouty funny-walk rich-in-your-face and not-funny comedian  bastard put us all off!
Am loathe to blashpheme the blasphemers, but Tommy Tiresome was not that funny.
"Because I am a woman I need more health insurance than you." There are about eight nested assumptions in there and at least one rebuke.
Feckin' freezing today in the shadow. Not much better in the light.
13:41 Am loathe to scream at the lovely looking foreign doods but don't make noise, ok?
15:23She said I should be a man and marry her, like all her friends are married. I said you're away so much I hardly know you. What's in it for me? I feel I'm being venal now too.
It was just a retort. There's nothing wrong with me. 
Hoe on the go, sporty little car, girls with gismets on their gams.
Two cops in hats wander up the way oblivious to the fuming. A tall skinny guy in an air force jacket pulls up outside The Barley in a horse and trap and runs in. Quiet just now. Nothing in the streets. Odd.
Cats are howlin' again. Rain soaked, butty little hill. Whookers staggering around under cheap umbrellas. Screeching about some such whoretastic business or other as there is. Hollering reflecting off the barrack walls. The ghosts of back-door soldiers wolf-whistle through the wires.
Slappers and crackheads.
An ambulance on Burgendy Hill and blue lights flashing. Another vignette from the vine tree. The fugees from the hostel on the corner are looking out their windows engrossed in the show. More tarmac, spit and spume. More tussles, hassles and kerfuffles on The Hill.
Panda car standing on the corner, lights a flicker. Peelers out, fidgeting. Following up on the brassers' barney earlier on. Either that or cruising. Won't pull much by way of sexy birds put-putting about in that white Fiesta van with a yellow stripe, fellas. With your big yellow anoraks.